Plugins and Extensions

Plugins and Extensions

Table of Contents

GitHub Pages’ Whitelisted Plugins

GitHub Metadata

A Jekyll plugin to propagate the site.github namespace with repository metadata.

See github-metadata.

Jekyll Feed

A Jekyll plugin to generate an Atom (RSS-like) feed of your Jekyll posts.

See jekyll-feed.

Jekyll Paginate

Default pagination generator for Jekyll (See Pagination).


  1. Setup the pagination for posts on your blog in your _config.yml file.
  2. Use the following code to render paginated posts and pagination links in an HTML file:

    <!-- Post Grid -->
    <div class="masonrygrid row listrecent">   
    {% for post in paginator.posts %}   
       {% include blocks/post-box.html %}
    {% endfor %}   
    <!-- Pagination -->
    <div class="bottompagination">   
    <span class="navigation" role="navigation">  
       {% include blocks/pagination.html %}      

Jekyll Redirect From

A Jekyll plugin to allow an author to specify multiple URLs for a page, such that the alternative URLs redirect to the new Jekyll URL.

See jekyll-redirect-from.

A Jekyll plugin to convert relative links to Markdown files to their rendered equivalents.

See jekyll-relative-links.

Note: Recommend to use the link and post_url Jekyll tags to instead.

Jekyll SEO Tag

jekyll-seo-tag is a Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site’s content. It provides rich settings for site-level and on-page SEO.

💡 Also, read the Config Guide and the Front Matter Guide to learn more about the basic usages within this theme and on-page SEO for post metadata, respectively.

Jekyll sitemap

Default sitemap generator for Jekyll. See jekyll-sitemap.

Suggested Extensions

Jekyll Archives

A Jekyll plugin to automatically generate post archives by dates, tags, and categories.

See jekyll-archives.

NOTE: Jekyll Archives is not a GitHub Pages’ whitelisted plugins.

Add the following example to your _config.yml file will enable category and tag archives:

# _config.yml
    - categories
    - tags
  layout: archive
    categories: ['/category/:name/']
    tag: '/tag/:name/'

Jekyll Loading Lazy (Deprecated)

jekyll-loading-lazy is a Jekyll plugin to load images on your sites lazily without JavaScript by automatically adding loading="lazy" to <img> and <iframe> tags.

NOTE: Jekyll Loading Lazy is not a GitHub Pages’ whitelisted plugins.

You don’t need to use this plugin because, in this theme, all AMP elements are always lazy-loaded.

Jekyll Minifier

A Jekyll plugin to minifies HTML, XML, CSS, JSON and JavaScript both inline and as separate files.

See jekyll-minifier.

NOTE: Jekyll Minifier is not a GitHub Pages’ whitelisted plugins.

Jekyll Scholar

A Jekyll plugin for formatting your citations and bibliographies for your blog posts from BibTeX entities (See jekyll-scholar).

Starting from v2.1.2-alpha, this theme provides CSS styling for the Jekyll-Scholar generated citation links and a custom bibliography template for rendering DOI hyperlinks.

NOTE: Jekyll Scholar is not a GitHub Pages’ whitelisted plugins.

Follow Jekyll Scholar’s documentation to install and configure the Jekyll-Scholar settings in your _config.yml file.

The IEEE citation style is the standard referencing format set by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is widely used in publishing journals, magazines, and conference proceedings for engineering, computer science, and information technology industries.

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a persistent identifier assigned by the International DOI Foundation to identify content on the internet. It is useful for readers to find academic, professional, and government information, such as journal articles, research reports, data sets, and official publications that are available online.

By default, the Jekyll Scholar renders DOIs as plain text inside bibliographies. But you can change it to hyperlinks by using the following configuration:

# _config.yml
  style: '_bibliography/ieee-without-doi-and-index.csl'
  bibliography_template: bib
  • In-text example

    You can build a website using GitHub Pages {% cite Utomo_2020 %}


    You can build a website using GitHub Pages [1].

  • Bibliography example

    {% bibliography --cited %}


    1. P. Utomo and Falahah, “Building Serverless Website on GitHub Pages,” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 879, p. 012077, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1088/1757-899x/879/1/012077.

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