File I/O and File System in MATLAB

File I/O and File System in MATLAB File I/O and File System in MATLAB

Table of Contents

Low-Level File I/O

Write a text file with the following MATLAB built-in functions:

  1. fopen;
  2. fprintf;
  3. fclose.

💡 Learn more: Export to Text Data Files with Low-Level I/O - MATLAB & Simulink

File System

MATLAB can obtain the information from a file system by the following MATLAB built-in functions:

  • dir - lists files and folders in the current folder.

    Example output:

     .                .git   
     ..               LICENSE
  • listing = dir('dirpath') - return the folder information in a structure array.

    Example output:

     listing = 
        5x1 struct array with fields:

    💡 Learn more: - List folder contents - MATLAB dir

  • exist(path,'searchType') - check existence of variable, script, function, folder, or class.

    searchType — Type of results to search for
    builtin | class | dir | file | var

    💡 Learn more: Check existence of variable, script, function, folder, or class - MATLAB exist

Exclude ' . ' and ' .. ' From Listing Files and Folder

The dir() function always returns . and .. in its result.

  • . means the current directory;
  • .. means the parent of the current directory.

They are unnecessary when you solely care about the items inside that directory. You can use the getProjectDir() function in my matlab-filesystem-io library to replace the built-in dir function.

e.g. getProjectDir(path)

It will call the dir(path) function but return the folder information in a struct array without the rows for . and ...

List Files and Folders with non-ASCII Characters

The dir function does not support internationalization, such as the characters for the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) languages. You need to handle non-ASCII characters using the Class in MATLAB.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, you can use clone my matlab-filesystem-io library and use the jDir() function to list the files and folders as below.

  • jDir(dirpath) - list the files and folders in a specific directory using (with supporting Asian characters), return the folder information in a structure array with fields: name and isDir.

    Example output:

  • jDir(dirpath, 'dir') - list the folder in a specific directory

    Example output:

  • jDir(dirpath, 'file') - list the files in a specific directory

    Example output:


Add Folder(s) to The MATLAB Search Path

When you want MATLAB to use files that locate not in the current working directory, you need to add their file locations to the MATLAB search path using the following functions:

Keep on reading:

Chris F. Author of this blog, M.Phil.
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