☁ Serverless Firebase Development: Challenge Lab | logbook

☁ Serverless Firebase Development: Challenge Lab | logbook ☁ Serverless Firebase Development: Challenge Lab | logbook

In this article, we will go through the lab GSP344 GSP344 Serverless Firebase Development: Challenge Lab, which is an advanced-level exercise on Qwiklabs. You will practice the skills for deploying a serverless web application with Firestore Database and Cloud Run on Google Cloud Platform.

Topics tested:

  • Firestore Database Create
  • Firestore Database Populate
  • Cloud Build Rest API Staging
  • Cloud Build Rest API Production
  • Cloud Build Frontend Staging
  • Cloud Build Frontend Production

Task 1: Create a Firestore database

This task is super easy. In the Google Cloud Console,

  1. Navigate to Firestore.
  2. Select Native mode for this project.
  3. Choose nam5 (United States) as the location of your database.

    This usually takes a few minutes to initialize the Cloud Firestore.

Task 2: Populate the Database

  1. Open the Cloud Shell, run the following to clone the repo:

    git clone https://github.com/rosera/pet-theory.git
  2. Follow the instructions to import CSV using the node sample code from lab06:

    cd ~/pet-theory/lab06/firebase-import-csv/solution
    npm install
    node index.js netflix_titles_original.csv

    After the records written to the database, go back to the Cloud Console and verify the Firebase Database is updated.

Task 3: Create a REST API

You will need to build and deploy the code in pet-theory/lab06/firebase-rest-api/solution-01 as a Cloud Run Service via Google Container Registry. Run the following in the Cloud Shell:

npm install

gcloud builds submit \
  --tag gcr.io/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/rest-api:0.1

gcloud beta run deploy netflix-dataset-service \
  --image gcr.io/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/rest-api:0.1 \
  --platform managed \
  --region us-central1 \

After the Cloud Run deployed, you can test the service by running the following:

SERVICE_URL=$(gcloud beta run services describe netflix-dataset-service --platform managed --region us-central1 --format="value(status.url)")



Task 4: Firestore API access

This time you have to repeat the previous task for revision 0.2 of the code. You can update the service by running the following:

cd ../solution-02
npm install

gcloud builds submit \
  --tag gcr.io/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/rest-api:0.2

gcloud beta run deploy netflix-dataset-service \
  --image gcr.io/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/rest-api:0.2 \
  --platform managed \
  --region us-central1 \

After the Cloud Run updated, you can test the service endpoint with /2019:

SERVICE_URL=$(gcloud beta run services describe netflix-dataset-service --platform managed --region us-central1 --format="value(status.url)")


curl -X GET $SERVICE_URL/2019

Task 5: Deploy the Staging Frontend

Next, go to the pet-theory/lab06/firebase-frontend directory. You will build and deploy the staging frontend in a similar way.

gcloud builds submit \
  --tag gcr.io/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/frontend-staging:0.1

gcloud beta run deploy frontend-staging-service \
  --image gcr.io/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/frontend-staging:0.1 \
  --platform managed \
  --region us-central1 \

Task 6: Deploy the Production Frontend

To deploy a production frontend, you need to configure the service endpoint in the public/app.js file by modifying the following:

  1. Comment out const REST_API_SERVICE = "data/netflix.json". in line 4.
  2. Uncomment // const REST_API_SERVICE = "https://XXXX-SERVICE.run.app/2000" in line 5.
  3. Replace https://XXXX-SERVICE.run.app with the SERVICE URL created in Task 4.
  4. Re-build and deploy the updated code as frontend-production by running the following:

    npm install
    gcloud builds submit \
      --tag gcr.io/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/frontend-production:0.1
    gcloud beta run deploy frontend-production-service \
      --image gcr.io/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/frontend-production:0.1 \
      --platform managed \
      --region us-central1 \

Congratulations! You completed this challenge lab.

Demonstration Video

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00:00 Overview
00:29 Provision the environment
01:04 Task1: Create a Firestore database
01:40 Task2: Populate the Database
02:35 Task3: Create a REST API
06:15 Task4: Firestore API access
08:22 Task5: Deploy the Staging Frontend
11:39 Task6: Deploy the Production Frontend
Chris F. Author of this blog, M.Phil.
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